Correspondent Message

Shri. R. Madhavachariar , M.A.,B.T (SANSKRIT), Vyakarana Vedhantha Vidwan
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"When a person is devoted to something with complete faith, I unify his faith in that. When his faith is completely unified, he gains the object of his devotion."says Sri Krishna in Srimad Bhagavat Gita.
My object of devotion before two decades was an exquisite yet affordable CBSE school in my temple town Srirangam.By the grace of Sri Renganatha and Sri Vedantha desika my vision came true in the name of "Sri Vageesha Vidhyashram " in the year 2004.
The school started in a modest way has grown up into an outstanding senior secondary school by the abundant grace of my Acharyan Srimad Thirukkudanthai Andavan and the tireless endeavour of its faculty members and well wishers.Our ultimate aim is man making education. To make this holistic education possible our ancient wisdom from our scriptures go hand in hand with our curriculum. The need of the hour of the society, a value based modern education, is the motto of our school and thus the school has been established as a unique alma mater. My blessings to the young minds that are nurtured here and my prayers to the Almighty to grant us pinnacle of success.