Health Care
- Health check up like eye, dental, E.N.T. etc., is done every year. Students who fall sick during working hours will be rendered first aid and escorted to their house or parents will be intimated and requested to take the child back.
- Parents should not send an infectiously diseased child to school.
- Parents should inform in writing as well as explain if necessary in person about the health problems of their wards so that special care can be taken during school hours.
- A healthy Sri V V ensure request parents To enable this Considering chart has would benefit body is essential for an active mind. While we at to nurture the intellectual aspect of the child we to support the physical growth of their wards. a well balanced nutritious diet is definitely necessary. this and to assist, and enhance overall growth a menu been charted out for you, and we fervently hope this our children.
Menu Chart

Snacks : Salad & Vegetables
Lunch : Variety Rice

Snacks : Pori, Peanuts, Dry Fruits & Nuts
Lunch : Tiffin made of Rice

Snacks : Fruits
Lunch : Vegetable Rice

Snacks : Sundal
Lunch : Child's Choice